Are You Waiting on the Perfect Time?

I was thinking about how I’d really love to take a vacation right now. But now is not a good time to take one. There are several reasons why now is not the right time, but I am still planning for when that day comes.

Then I started thinking about how the perfect time usually never comes along.

How often have you heard someone say they’re waiting for the right time to go on vacation? Waiting for the right time to go back to school? Waiting for the right time to get a new job? Waiting for the right time to have kids?

Sometimes when people say that, it sounds like they are waiting to win the lottery. You can hear it in their voice. Their dreams for the future don’t seem like they are ever going to happen. And for so many, they won’t.

Don’t be that person. Don’t wait for life to present you with perfect circumstances to go after your dreams.

You know, sometimes that’s what we’re waiting on and we don’t even realize it. I’ve done it too. We don’t pursue our hearts desire or maybe try something new because we are waiting for a perfect time that may never come.

I’m not endorsing recklessness. There is a difference between planning for the future and making poor decisions that you’ll regret later.

And yes, I realize that perfect timing does happen – sometimes. Occasionally, time and opportunity align to give us what we want at just the right moment. But the truth is that most things in life don’t happen that way.

The world won’t be handed to us on a silver plater. It’s not meant to be that way. We place more value on the things that we have when we work for our dreams. Then, when we achieve them – it means so much more.

Know that a more fulfilling life is waiting for you. Stop waiting for the perfect time. Your dreams are waiting on you!

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