Finding My Faith 

I just volunteered to teach Kids Church again. Yay! I’ve been procrastinating, but I’m actually excited to be involved again. I used to teach at my old church a few years ago and this will be my first time teaching at my new church.     

During my entrance interview with the ministry leader, I had to answer a question about my background in the “getting to know you” process. This started a conversation about my upbringing in church, which led to me write this post today. I decided to share my experience because I think it will be helpful for anyone struggling to develop a relationship with God that isn’t based on how you were raised or someone else’s relationship with God.    

You see, I was raised in a strict religion within the Christian church. That means there were a lot of things that we could not do and that led to an extremely restricted life. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not against that church or religion. I’m grateful that I was raised in a loving, God-fearing, Christian home and I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. I’m also not saying that one Christian religion is better than another.  

Getting back to my story, since I was raised in church, I got saved (gave my life to Christ) at a young age, sometime during my middle school years. But later, when I became a teenager, I strayed somewhat from what was believed to be the “right way” to be a Christian. And although I still had a heart for God, I was no longer considered saved. I believed it too, because I had fallen off the path that I believed was the only way to be a Christian.   

As a young adult, I continued to spread my wings and I got married. For a while, I still believed that if I was going to be a Christian, it had to be the way that I was raised. The result is that I drug my feet about going back to church and renewing my commitment to Christ. But thank God – He came and got me!    

You know, Jesus tells a story in the Bible about the shepherd who will leave all of his other sheep to find the one that is lost. This is a picture of our Lord – the God who loves us so much that He will come after each and every one of us.  ~Luke 15:3-10    

That’s what he did for me. At that time in my life, the Lord started speaking to me. He used Dr. Charles Stanley and spoke to me through his messages. He helped me understand that God still loved me and that it was okay to serve Him in a way that worked for me. Let’s go a little deeper so you’ll understand what I mean.  

I didn’t make up my own religion or faith. And I didn’t disregard the principles and teachings of the Bible – far from it! The Bible is the foundation of truth for all Christians. What I mean, is that God showed me how I could still serve Him, still believe in Him, and live a life for Him, but I could do it with a faith that would help me develop and grow in my own personal relationship with God.    

He helped me understand that my faith didn’t have to be my mom’s faith. What drew her to Christ and to the church she attended, is not the same as what draws me. I’m a different person with different needs than her. God met me at the point of my need. He understood that what worked for her, wasn’t going to work for me. God in His loving kindness – guided me back to Him in a way that allowed me to have a faith and belief that is different in some ways, but also just as strong as my mom’s faith.      

I am glad to say that eventually, my mom accepted the truth of my salvation, although my faith is somewhat different than hers. Now, as I look back on it, I know that what I went through served a purpose. I’m convinced that I needed to develop my own relationship with Christ and that applies to every one of us. After all, we can’t ride the coattails of our relatives into heaven.    

My friend, God is calling you too. He longs to have a personal relationship with you. You don’t have to fear finding your own path to Him. It may not look like what others expect. That’s okay. Just make sure it’s a true, Bible-based road to Christ, and let him lead you along the way.   

BTW, today, I happily attend a non-denominational church in my city – because that’s what works for me. 😊     

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